They Call It Navel Gazing
Some people mock or deride others who meditate, do yoga. Those who go introspectively inward in search of, or to commune with true self, higher self and connection to source. Those who ponder the meaning of life beyond the physical and intellectual rigors man has made of modern survival.
They call it navel gazing. As if it were a pointless thing to do.
What’s the big joke about navel gazing? That navel, that funny little innie or outie that is not taken very seriously once the umbilical cord is severed, should be gazed at. Appreciated, loved and respected. I mean really, it was the entry point of everything that brought your smug ass into this world.
It was literally your lifeline when it was doing it’s job. And now to look at it is considered a waste of time or equated with mental masturbation? Oh contraire. You should have more reverence for that area of your body. You should thank it for functioning properly and sustaining you as your cells and atoms correctly aligned themselves while you grew and developed in your mother’s womb.
Just below it is the sacral chakra and just above it is the solar plexus chakra two very important energy centers in the wholeness of body, mind and spirit. In Qi Gong directly below it is the Dan Tien or Dantian a powerful source of energy and connection to higher self. I pray from the Dan Tien, and I sing from the Dan Tien. I envision light emanating from the Dan Tien and radiating up and out through my upper chakras when I call on the Archangels to help the souls who come to me find their way home.
Location, location, location. That’s your navel. Clean it with a cotton swab daily just like you clean your ears. Get the lint, dead skin and dirt out of there and keep it clean. Gaze at it all you want to. It was your connection to your mother.
Better to gaze inwardly at the areas behind it in your mind. It would be easier on your eyes. But when you look at it remember it was your source of life blood, the source of everything that you are right now.
Except for maybe your dismissive attitude towards it.
If you get a tattoo around your navel make it the Flower of Life, Cho Ku Rei, or Metatron’s Cube. Make it a symbol of unconditional, eternal love, power and protection.
Love your navel. Gaze at it and contemplate the complexities it channeled to make your existence possible. Be Grateful. You wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t done it’s job.