The Blog Launch & A Reading List For Empaths & Other Seekers
I began this idea as a book. But this information needs to be out there in the world. I’m sure I’m not the first person to say these things I’m just the next person saying it. So I started a blog instead. New Age Old Soul.
These are a handful of the books that I have found enlightening and mind blowing over the years. Some of these books may require two or more readings and could possibly turn into reference material for you. I would also suggest you Google the authors to learn more about them and find their other books.
The first three are for anyone who is fairly new to the inner journey and/or seeking to understand themselves or someone close to them better. If you are, or you have someone close to you, who is very emotionally sensitive, these 3 books can shed some serious light. I have no affiliation with any of these authors or publishers.
The Empath’s Toolkit by Anna Sayce
This book shines a bright light on the nature and experience of being an empath. It also includes prayers to help you separate your emotions from the energies around you. Every empath should read this book.
Lightworker by Sahvanna Arienta
This book could very well help a person realize why they are alive. Especially if you have a tendency to be intuitive, sensitive, and or psychic. It goes into many different aspects of why you might be the way you are. I would consider it a must read for anyone interested in energetically redirecting humanity from it’s destructive path.
Self Compassion Step by Step by Kristin Neff PhD
What gets in the way of many empaths is a negative sense of self. Abuse creates an empath and it also creates low self esteem. This book was a tremendous help, and a comfort to me in my journey.
Now we’re going to dig into the deep stuff.
Touched by Angels by Flower Newhouse
A Christian Mystic and Clairvoyant, Flower Newhouse 1909–1994, is a revelation. I chose this book as the one to read first but you could also start with Angels of Nature. If you’re already knowledgeable about Angels and the hierarchy of heaven, try Disciplines of the Holy Quest. There are a number of books by her on Amazon, some are out of print. I found a used version of Disciplines there. She also founded Questhaven Retreat in California.
The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts/A Seth Book
Jane Roberts 1929–1984 was a medium and a psychic who channeled an entity named Seth. If you’ve never read a Seth book, this may be a good one to start with. Her first book was Seth Speaks and there are a number of other volumes to explore. In this book she speaks about a number of personally related topics including Law of Attraction, your body and health, the nature of creativity, beliefs both personal and societal, consciousness and many other topics. This book is so packed with information I couldn’t break it all down for you without writing a dissertation. It is a mind and eye opener.
The Search for God Books 1 & 2 by Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce 1877–1945, was a Clairvoyant who is best known for going into trance and diagnosing diseases in his patients and prescribing natural remedies. His all natural remedies and methods of healing are widely accepted and practiced in Holistic Medicine to this day. This is a fascinating treatise. These volumes are all about life, the soul, consciousness and the nature of the Almighty. No predictions or ancient history clarifications in these two books. It’s just a beautiful detailed guide for the seeker.
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche
The Tibetan Book of The Dead, reinterpreted for the western world.
Angels in My Hair by Lorna Byrne
Lorna Byrne is a gift to humanity. She sees angels, communicates with them and relays their messages to us.
Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne W Dyer 1940–2015
Actually any book by this man is a great place to start, but this was his first book. It points out little emotional and mental issues we all have that are interfering with the smooth sailing of our relationships and our lives. Highly recommended if you’re trying to figure yourself out. A brilliant life, well lived.
People of The Lie, The Hope for Healing Human Evil by M. Scott Peck MD
This book is more of a psychological study with stories of people’s lives and personalities. Need help understanding some people these days? Here ya go.
Ask And it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Classic Abraham teachings including Law of Attraction and vibrations as well as techniques and exercises to get you in alignment with what you want from life.
Thoughts and Meditations by Kahlil Gibran
Exactly that from the mind of Kahlil Gibran 1883–1931. If you haven’t read The Prophet that is also a great place to start with this author. A collection of beautiful allegories that make you think.
Opening to Meditation, A Gentle Guided Approach by Diana Lang
Meditation for beginners comes with downloadable guided meditation
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
An ancient book of thoughts, disciplines, and realizations pertaining to yoga, whose philosophy and techniques are carried into the modern age through Iyengar Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. The philosophy carries into everyday life.
The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of War
Not so much for you to learn how to be powerful and manipulative. Mainly for you to recognize the games that are played by and with people and how not get sucked into other people’s deceptive games and agendas. Also read Nicola Machiavelli.
More Authors to Explore: Dr Brian Weiss, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Eckhart Tolle, Rumi.
If you have a book you’d like to recommend, list it in the comments!