The Belief In and Fear Of Random Accidents of Disease

Sioux Robbins
9 min readDec 19, 2021


Let’s take a look at the culture of fear that we are experiencing right now in this realm. We view sickness as a kind of punishment, and death as the ultimate failure of life. When sickness, while it is an obstacle in the physical sense, is usually the result of a spiritual and emotional imbalance. The sickness is the symptom not the cause. And death, if you read my blog, is simply a change of form.

The exception would be souls who choose to reincarnate into such a life. People born with disease or into bodies with physical impairments, or mental challenges, or people who may have an uncontrollable life changing event that maims, disfigures or strikes them down in a such way that they have to adjust their entire way of living to cope with it.

There is a tremendous amount of soul growth potential in those types of lives. You could call it an accelerated path to enlightenment if… and this is a VERY BIG IF… if the one who lives such a life handles it properly. As with any life.

The fear we are all being bombarded with right now is the fear of sickness and death. I hope you would know that a lifestyle of unhealthy foods, sedentary habits and no honest emotional self exploration would align you with illness. The avoidance of illness is best handled without fear.

What’s tricky about this time in human events is that we, through advertising, corruption in the FDA and societal traditions, are being manipulated into believing that some of the things we ingest are comforting and good when they are detrimental to our well being. So there’s a lot of misinformation about food and drink being disseminated for the sake of financial gain and to maintain cultural norms.

Add to that the belief and fear that anyone can become ill at any time for no apparent reason.

The belief in and fear of random accidents of disease.

It’s a foolish way to approach life and we usually don’t realize how foolish we are until hindsight becomes a possibility.

It is our belief in this reality that makes it a reality for the believer. Add also to this the emotional vulnerability for illness caused by the negative and ego based emotions we may consciously and unconsciously hold onto. Fear, anger, self loathing, just a general lack of love are all negative, ego based emotions. No matter the reasons. We place ourselves in an emotional and psychic imbalance long before it manifests as a physical imbalance. But let’s take a couple steps back from that concept first.

So we eat a lot of foods simply because they taste good. The taste of food drives our dietary choices and it’s understandable. Who doesn’t like things that taste good? But many manufactured foods have little to no actual nutrition and make a demand on the body. They take from the body, rather than sustain and enhance it. These foods, drinks and substances force the body into a state of imbalance.

The body in this imbalanced state becomes vulnerable to illness. Its defenses are weakened. Think of it like termites eating the load bearing pillars and beams of your home. By the time you notice the damage they’ve done, it’s probably too late.

We love our sweets. Let’s examine refined sugar here. It is completely devoid of nutrition. It’s a highly addictive substance. Just as the alcohol it helps to create in the fermentation process, still devoid of any kind of nutrition and flat out toxic.

The psychic history of the substance also comes with it. The enslavement of people to cultivate the sugar cane, the torture and horrors that were visited on humanity to produce this product. It takes from the body and gives nothing in return which weakens the body. That energy carries through.

I’d read articles warning about sugar starting in the early 2000’s. I came to my personal realization about sugar years ago, one day when I brought home a huge slice of chocolate cake with fudgey frosting to have that enjoyable moment of chocolate cakeness. That little voice that talks to me in the back of my head said to me before I dove into it, you’re going to get sick. I didn’t listen, I ate the whole thing and came down with a cold the very next day.

Anytime I had, what would be for me, a large dose of sugar, I would get sick in the following days. Always a cold or the flu, something contagious.

I still love chocolate but it’s organic, no less than 70% cacao and instead of cake I’ll make a hot chocolate with almond or soy milk and sweeten with the bare minimum of maple syrup or agave. And that’s once in a while. I might make a chocolate peanut butter smoothie with organic raw cacao now and then. If I do have cake or cookies I’ve made them myself so I know there’s no high fructose or other BS in them. When I eat a sweet that isn’t fruit I fight sugar cravings for the next few days.

Foods that have been processed and have had the natural nutrition removed from them and replaced with processed and refined vitamins have the same effect. I call it dead Qi food. And it’s not just what we would consider junk food, there are all kinds of fake health foods on the market.

If you eat an ear of corn it’s not the most nutritious of vegetables but by itself, it has its benefits. It’s when the corn is broken down into its chemical parts and reassembled with artificial flavors, mixed with other broken down and reassembled grains, dairy, meat products, and preservative chemicals, that it becomes a burden on the body to digest and assimilate and then causes the imbalance.

White flour as we all should know by now, is wheat with all the nutrition and fiber removed. They throw in some vitamins and call it enriched white flour. The wheat was rich enough before it was refined to death. You can’t bring a corpse back to life no matter how many vitamins you inject into it. It shares that death with your body. Dead Qi food.

But those chips, or cookies or whatever, are so tasty and you find yourself craving them regularly. The corporations who manufacture these foods know what makes you continuously crave them. They don’t care about your health, they want your money and they want your children’s money.

A disease, or in our current situation, a very tricky virus comes down the pike and we have no way to protect ourselves from it because our bodies/immune systems are in an already weakened state. We’ve been eating these substances for years, undoing the damage they have done will take years and the virus is here now.

Add all of this over processed diet, toxic libations and sedentary lifestyle to your belief in and fear of random accidents of disease and you would be correct to feel that way. You’re playing hopscotch on a six lane highway. Okay so maybe that’s a slightly overblown analogy but you get the idea. You’re having a great time while putting yourself in the path of self destruction.

I don’t eat dairy because I am lactose intolerant. I decided to listen to my body, maybe once a year at a holiday I’ll take lactose enzymes and have a little dairy but that’s it. High cholesterol runs in my family so even without eating dairy my cholesterol is somewhere in the low two hundreds. At the risk of TMI, a few years ago eggs started to give me diarrhea so I completely cut out eggs. I also cut way back on meat a couple years ago and I now eat vegan probably three weeks out of the month.

I still need a little meat, usually poultry, I get very high strung when I eat vegan for extended periods of time. People who go vegetarian and vegan rave about how energized they feel compared to when they ate meat, it gives me too much energy. I start bouncing off of the walls. But I try to make sure as best I can that the animals I eat were treated humanely. Listen to your body. It’s always communicating with you.

Now let’s talk about how eating mistreated animals mistreats your body. These animals were fed foods they would have never eaten had they been in the wild and choosing their own foods. They have been penned up, enclosed in unsanitary conditions and fattened. Not allowed to roam or graze as they would naturally and fed antibiotics to keep the horrible diets and nasty living conditions from making them ill. They are not happy animals. The psychic contribution carries on as well, not just the physical.

The same can be said of plants grown with chemicals, pesticides and artificial fertilizers. On top of the poisonous aspect of this method of farming there is also a residual energy. The animals are fed these toxic plants, and also a feed created from chicken shit and feathers in some places. Ahhh… the circle of life…

Animals are sentient beings. The imprint of their psychic energy remains in the meat even when the spirit has left. This includes farmed fish. Think of it in haunting or ghostly terms as a residual haunting, not the actual spirit but the residual energy. That residual energy is clearly not good. Eating mistreated animals will mistreat you.

Under these circumstances, is it any wonder that this virus we’re dealing with originated in mistreated animals? Penned up creatures in unsanitary conditions? We mistreat them and the effects of their mistreatment carries through to our bodies when we eat them.

Is it karma? Is it law of attraction? In a tertiary sense, yes I would say it is. You may not have personally mistreated the animals, but by eating them you are participating in the cycle of mistreatment. You’ve opted in.

Keep adding this to your belief in and fear of random accidents of disease. Now roll all of the above into how many times a day you find yourself in a negative emotion for any reason.

I have some friends dealing with serious health issues, none of them would read or believe anything I put in my blog, by the way. They are not close friends, but we have history and some things in common and see each other now and then.

Some of them are essentially angry people, egotistical and quick to find fault with others, unconsciously worshipping money and material things, not connecting the dots between their mental/emotional state and their health problems.

Some are depressed, addicted to nicotine, pharmaceuticals, weed, alcohol… self medicating and not dealing with any of their emotional issues at the source. On the hamster wheel of trying to ignore the whole mess while it’s chasing them down the block and causing more and more life and health problems.

Illness has roots in the consciousness. Your beliefs and mental state, your physical self care, your diet, they are not separate from the conditions in your life and your health. Everything that lives, all that God has created, has energy. Everything you accept into your heart and into your body shares it’s energy with you. When it is said that we are all connected, that is how we are all connected.

As humans it is time for a radical change in the way we perceive life, ourselves and our planet and every living thing. We’re gradually moving in that direction. Those who fight to keep the world from changing are in panic mode because they’ve anchored their identities to things that are transient, temporary and essentially untrue. It’s their last chance to preserve their delusions. Their delusions will pass one way or another and as a whole the human race will evolve. It is God’s plan.

Get a grip on your belief in and fear of random accidents of disease. If you know something is bad for you don’t eat it, don’t do it, don’t pursue it. Eat whole foods, sugar only in fruits, or in as close to a natural state as possible, don’t eat mistreated animals and get some exercise and get enough sleep.

Do things that bring you joy and make you happy other than eating chips and cookies, and smoking cigs. Meditate, and be spare with the mind altering substances, a little buzz now and then won’t kill you, it might even help, but a lot of buzz all the time will mess you up and probably kill you eventually.

Just so you know… alcohol consumption is the most common cause of cancer. And it’s a messy high with a nasty back end. I don’t miss it at all.

Visualize yourself as a generally healthy person. Know that you’re a healthy person. I’ve always felt like a healthy person all my life and I rarely get sick. But also use your head and be sensible about things. I’ve been vaccinated, and I wear mask and I know I won’t get sick. No worry no fear, just do what you need to do.

Find your spiritual center and understand how you need to live your life to remain in your spiritual center. Respect all life. Anchor yourself in love and compassion. When you see people, think to yourself, they are extensions of God just as I am. The change always starts from within.

Oh yeah and get a grip on your belief in and fear of random accidents of disease. None of it is random or accidental.



Sioux Robbins
Sioux Robbins

Written by Sioux Robbins

Writer, Musician, Actor, Empath, Psychic. Multi Cultural explorer of the emotional side of the human condition.

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