Media and Your Mental Well Being

Sioux Robbins
4 min readJan 14, 2021

An excerpt from the latest blog post.

Television News. If it bleeds, it leads. Bad news sells. The death, sex, outrage, mayhem and destruction show. Incessant political posturing, fear mongering, never ending conflicts, world atrocities and flat out lies. Sure, we all want to know what’s going on in our world, but it’s become blatant political and social manipulation and it’s taking a toll on us.

Everyone is convinced their news source is telling the truth and other news sources are all lies. Many people don’t know what to believe and that is the desired outcome of this game, to confuse, divide and conquer. And they’re pumping this information into us with the added energy of passion. Passionate anger, passionate outrage, passionate fear. Passion is the turbo boost of any emotion and a sure set point for Law of Attraction in your life.

Urgent, dramatic, in your face and right into your brain and nervous system. Of course, video footage with all of it, gotta make sure that shit gets indelibly printed on your gray matter. Gotta get everybody fearful and riled up and afraid to miss the next bit of urgent and impending disaster. We then project this disaster, this foreboding, this world agitator’s personal gripe, this deliberate misinformation out into our personal lives simply by believing it to be true and amplifying the alarm.

And for the true and just causes, the genuine human crisis and world concerns, we should absolutely feel the passionate urgency to address it, learn about it and figure out how to correct or help it. At the end of the broadcast comes the human interest story, the happy, heartwarming whatever. Like the dessert after a meal of horror and degradation. A little sugar to help the medicine go down.

The difference between reading the news and watching it is that reading printed words require a conscious seeking of the information. You are in better control of your emotional state. You read it and you put it down and go on to something else. Something hopefully that is emotionally fulfilling to you that changes your point of attraction to a positive or neutral beacon.

It’s not a 24/7 inescapable bombardment of everything that’s wrong with the world and everyone in it. Each story delivered with that urgent tone of alarm not necessarily because the information requires a tone of alarm, but primarily to keep you watching and listening and buying the products their advertisers are hawking. Your mind and your body react to this energy on subtle levels if it’s not obvious to you.

No wonder everyone is stressed out, anxious and on antidepressants. On top of the actual stress of current events, soaking up this anxiety laden information delivery, whether it’s true and necessary for you to know or not, for hours and hours every day is not good for soul growth, let alone your emotional well-being.

If there was a machine that could detect and measure the different emotions a person watching television news would experience, it would probably run the spectrum from fear, outrage, alarm, hopelessness, anger or rage, helplessness, and blame, to hate, and combinations of all of the above. And we all know someone who keeps that damn news channel on all day long and they don’t watch anything else. I swear we all know somebody like that. Try to help them please. Just try and keep trying, they have an addiction.

We are all far more sensitive than we are led to understand or willing to admit we are. We need to start connecting the dots between what we take in as entertainment and news and how it affects our ambient or resting emotional state. Turn your TV and social media off for a month. Be alone with yourself in your own head for an extended period of time. Talk to God. Read some books, start a new hobby, learn a language, learn an instrument or an art, learn to meditate or do yoga, expand your life experience, get to know your family without the distractions and influences of social media and pop culture.

You can keep up with the news by reading. Gain some control over what your eyes see for perhaps the first time in your life. Observe how you feel. See if your anxiety decreases and your sense of self improves. Protect and strengthen your energetic boundaries!

We’ve been existing on a gluttonous diet of mental and emotional junk food for far too long. It’s making us very sick as a society on a number of different levels. Maybe we should make a conscious effort to discover the causes of anxiety and depression in our lives and become more aware of the eternal influences that exacerbate it.

That’s all. I’m done ranting now.



Sioux Robbins
Sioux Robbins

Written by Sioux Robbins

Writer, Musician, Actor, Empath, Psychic. Multi Cultural explorer of the emotional side of the human condition.

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