Law of Attraction For Empaths
If you’ve tried Law of Attraction, setting your intentions and creating your reality based on what you want for yourself, and it doesn’t seem to be working, it’s not because it’s BS. There are a few factors that could be involved with the reason why it’s not working for you. Law of Attraction is always at play in your life. It’s probably because you’re not digging deep enough into your own psyche to find the cause of the unwanted attractions.
The thing is, Law of Attraction is not just giving you what you consciously ask for, it’s bringing to you what the entirety of your being is in emotional alignment with. That includes your shadow beliefs which are your subconscious fears, beliefs, and expectations about yourself, people and the world around you that are so deeply buried you don’t realize you have them and yet you react to them daily. They are beliefs and expectations so ingrained in your personality you don’t question their existence or how they’ve affected your decision making and how they’ve steered your life.
Not all shadow beliefs are negative. You can spot the people who have positive self-affirming shadow beliefs, they’re the confident and happy ones who seem to land on their feet no matter what is going haywire around them.
Perhaps you’ve noticed the universe keeps bringing repetitive situations or the same type of person to you over and over again in spite of what you do to try to avoid or change the situations that follow. It’s because there’s something you need to realize about a belief you hold. A belief about yourself or about someone close and influential in your life who you probably don’t know as well as you think you do. Likely someone who helped you form your self-image. Perhaps a parent or authority figure.
Here’s an example: A friend of mine couldn’t figure out why every man she was attracted to as a potential mate was either openly gay or turned out to be gay. She thought it was just her “curse” she was just hopelessly attracted to gay guys. Until much later in life her parents get divorced and her father comes out as gay.
The person who she held as an example of the perfect man was a closeted gay man. She had no conscious idea he was gay before he came out, but her subconscious picked up on all the cues. So, she had some deeply held expectations, shadow beliefs, about what type of man was ideal for her, that she needed to root out of her psyche and closely examine if she ever wanted to find a man who wanted her for more than just friendship.
For me it was consistently being attracted to narcissists who treated me the way I was treated by my parents and other influential people in my early life. Over and over again, no matter what was new or different about the next guy, deep down they all turned out to be that same narcissistic control freak. I knew after a passage of time these were not good relationships and I would get out of them when they turned really bad, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to stop attracting these people until I just stopped dating.
I stopped hoping and looking for Mr. Right and did some deep emotional digging and thorough examinations of how I was being treated by the people who were close to me and influential in my life. Which eventually opened my eyes to see the misconceptions I was holding about who I thought these people really were.
No longer holding on to the somewhat childish, on my part, admiration and lore that I’d built up in my image of them has lifted my self-esteem considerably.
There is no such thing as random coincidence. Everything and everyone who comes into your life, happens to you for a reason. Just growing up and not being a basket case does not necessarily mean you have overcome a childhood trauma or a self-image influencing childhood incident, or the conclusions about yourself and your world, your child mind came to because of them.
You didn’t develop these shadow beliefs overnight and many of them aren’t going to disappear just because you’ve noticed them. The inner work you start now will most likely take years to come to fruition. But you also didn’t get to the place you are in now overnight. It took years of compounded indignities, disrespect and disappointments to create the emotional baggage you’re carrying.
Look at it this way. The years are going to go by anyway whether you spend the time understanding yourself better or not. My feeling is if people do nothing else with their lives, the least they should do is figure themselves out. What a better world we’d live in if that were everyone’s goal.
“We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us”
Jean Paul Sartre