Sioux Robbins
9 min readMay 30, 2021

Is Atheism The Epitome of Cancel Culture?

I’m going to talk about atheism and I’m not doing this to start an argument. I’ve been going back and forth about bringing up this topic mainly because it’s the cause of so many arguments and to quote Jack Nicholson,”I never fight with people I don’t love.” What’s the point? No productive outcome results when people who don’t love each other are arguing or fighting. Only an endless bogging down in the negative emotions and intents of whatever the fight is about. Had enough of war in this world yet? So, if you feel the need to argue with me on this just don’t. You won’t get a response.

I’ve known a few atheists in my time. My father, when he was around, was an atheist. Some of my early childhood memories are of my dad yelling at my mother as she ushered us out of the house to go to church on a Sunday morning, something to the effect of; “You just die and that’s it! There’s no God!”

My Dad, now deceased some 17 years, is wandering the earth. He shows up now and again. Eager to find whoever will listen to him perpetuate the falsehoods he wrapped himself in, in life. Kind of stuck in a loop of sorts. I’m leaving out the atheists who choose not to believe in God so they can barrel through life without a conscience, that’s a whole other story.

Most atheists I’ve had in depth conversations with I’ve found have more of a problem with organized religion than actually God. They aren’t considering that maybe the way the religious books depict God, could be somewhat off base and/or incomplete. After all, those books were written, translated, interpreted, rewritten and re-rewritten over and over by just people.

I’ve also noticed atheists don’t have a clear or even remote inner sense of the unseen realms. They are misidentifying God and deciding that God doesn’t exist because they don’t buy into the narratives of organized religion or the mouthpieces that use religion for their own purposes.

Organized religions, aside from containing deep wisdom, have some attachments to negative doctrines and emotions like guilt, condemnation, original sin, shame and wildly outdated social mores. Most importantly, there are the people representing the religion who’s intentions and motivations are not of a spiritual nature at all. These personality disorders in positions of personal and political power have been acting very badly towards others in this world and using religion as their cover. Atheists blame the concept of God for this, not the people so much apparently.

From what I’ve learned talking to atheists, atheism is the epitome of cancel culture. God’s done everything wrong. Cancel God.

The atheists I’ve spoken to often cite the unrealistic, fairy tale-like stories of religions, along with all the wars and injustices committed by representatives of these religions.

And here’s the big one they all bring up…

If there is really a God why does he allow children to die of starvation? Why does he let vicious rulers commit genocide against their chosen enemies? Why does he allow so many injustices and wrongs to exist in this world? Many of those injustices and wrongs are committed in the name of religion.

Believers speak of a loving God when there’s little to no evidence of this universal love in human affairs. But are human affairs really God’s responsibility in this context? Who exactly is causing these global problems? God is not the politics, bureaucracy, hypocrisy, or failings of organized religion and world governments. All those failures are human constructs. So there you have it. Cancel the humans!

You could stop believing in humans. They are, after all, responsible for all the cruelty and injustice and destruction of the planet, but that would just make you a miserable cuss. And it would be the exact same situation we find ourselves in now. You don’t believe in humans and yet here they are, all around you, all over the place. Don’t mind them they’re not really there.

The atheist believes all of creation was some random accident that got itself in order and figured itself out on the deepest, most intricate and most atomically intimate levels to bring us to where the entirety of physical existence is today.

The thing is, the atheist has to have a belief in God as he/she rejects God. How can you reject something if you don’t acknowledge its existence first? By rejecting God you are acknowledging God exists. If God truly didn’t exist you wouldn’t have to acknowledge or reject God.

God is not some old man in the sky who’s going to send you to hell for not putting $10 in the collection basket. God is not hanging out in heaven with a bunch of strict rules just waiting for you to slip up so he can punish you. Although there are some rules we should be paying more attention to… and God is neither man nor woman nor human, but at the same time God is all of it.

When talking to my atheist and agnostic acquaintances about this subject, I usually suggest they go stand on top of a mountain and look around, breathe in deeply and pay close attention to how they feel. Go walking in nature, watch the sky and the weather. What’s causing this? Watch the universe. Are all of these planets circling their suns really just some random accident? Are all the fauna and flora in the sea and on land just some random accident? Feel some awe and wonder at something for crying out loud.

It all looks pretty organized and synchronized to me. We might call the unrestricted machinations of the earth and the universe chaos, but chaos in itself is a type of order, it’s just not what we define order to be at this stage of our development.

I’m not saying that God is sitting up there in heaven conducting every hurricane. I am saying God created all the pieces of physical existence and organized them to self sustain. Which was what the earth was doing really well for the longest time before humans got too smart for their britches.

We believe in gravity, we know it exists, we can see the effects it has on physical things on earth and we see the effects of the absence of it in space. Can you touch gravity? Can you see gravity itself? Gravity is not a place, an object, or a wave and yet we accept its existence even though we can’t actually see it or touch it. We know we can trust gravity even though it’s invisible.

Look at all the constants in math and science, look at the order in the chaos. The spirals, the repeating patterns everywhere, the periodic table and how all those elements manage to come together in different configurations to make up everything that exists. Those do not look like random accidents to me. Science is not separate from God. Science is God’s tool of creation. Science is an extension of God as is literally everything.

Physicists are searching for the God particle while they themselves are composed of God particles. Every particle is a God particle. But I get what they’re searching for. Why does life spring forth from what appears to be not life? What causes that spark? Why do they think that there’s no life in what they’ve labeled as nothingness? It’s a good thing that they’re searching for the existence of God in science. Let us pray that once they find this particle, it’s not used to destroy humanity on an even deeper level.

The separation of God and science is just human egocentric stupidity and an over attachment to/belief in the bureaucracy of politics, academia, and organized religion. We are merely just beginning to understand the complexity of God’s handiwork.

The atheist cites the number of Priests molesting children and the condemnation of LBGTQ people as the reason they believe there is no God. The men doing the harm aren’t God in any way shape or form and although they may say they represent God’s plan on earth, they are clearly in it purely for themselves. And don’t answer the door if some weird guy says he’s from the gas company.

If there is a God, why would God allow so much injustice and cruelty to exist?

Firstly God is not ours to second guess. This earth and what happens on it is entirely our doing and our responsibility. Entirely. God is not the parent who steps in and stops Timmy from taking away Tommy’s toys in the sand box. Where and how would we, as humans, grow spiritually and emotionally if God intervened and broke up every fight, every injustice, every wrong? Who’s side would God take? What would we truly learn in the process?

Yes there is tremendous injustice, genocide and atrocities in this world tragically committed by emotionally un-evolved humans. Not by God. Life on earth is the equivalent of the inmates running the asylum and we’re doing a terrible job of it. This is our knot to untangle and no one else’s. We’ve created this mess and we have to evolve ourselves out of it. There’s no hell, but there are ways you can remove yourself from the presence of God. And even then…

America is dealing with cancel culture on many levels right now as we all know. For example, a certain number of psychopaths and serial killers have installed themselves in law enforcement and some people, in support of the victims, are calling to do away with the police.

Because of these deeply flawed humans in law enforcement, a number of people have lost faith in law enforcement in this country, that is if they ever had any faith in it to begin with. But those sociopaths and psychopaths are humans with deep flaws representing law enforcement, purely in it for themselves, not necessarily upholding the letter of the law. The law, the words on paper, is fair and just for the most part. These particular interpreters of the law have some very serious spiritual and emotional problems they aren’t dealing with.

Just as a person with sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies would seek out a career in law enforcement or government in order to act out their just plain evil desires with impunity, being a religious leader is also a position of power that attracts this type of personality.

Maybe a better analogy to describe the atheist, would be denying the existence of oxygen while breathing. Try explaining oxygen to a grown person who has absolutely no background information in organic chemistry, physiology or knowledge that air isn’t just the element of air. Maybe they’ll believe you, maybe they won’t.

Could you find the right words to make them aware of the role of oxygen in the bloodstream so that they would understand how it keeps us alive? How about its role in the existence of fire and any number of chemical reactions? I suspect you’d just end up talking about air and then hitting a dead end.

That’s why I don’t argue with atheists. God is all around us. God is us. God is far, far, far beyond our ability to fully comprehend with our human brains and our fairly limited spiritual evolution here on earth. God exists in the realm of divine love and divine love is all around for those who seek it. God created us and all of this and we have the free will to screw it all up and screw ourselves up in the process.

I have no idea how to teach a person who has no psychic sensitivity or awareness the way to find God in themselves. Especially if the mind has decided that God doesn’t exist. That’s something they’ll just have to come through on their own.

Inmates running the asylum. Emotionally un-evolved souls governing and influencing very large numbers of more emotionally un-evolved souls. Religious fanatics, religious hypocrites and global catastrophes create the atheists I know. Not to tell anyone what to do but… They need to expand their concept of what God is.

God created everything. I don’t necessarily believe God did it in seven days because if there was no sun or planets, what was a day? God created this world the way God created this world and I’m okay with not knowing how, when, or how long God took to do it. That’s not my business, I have work to do.

When my sister and I shared a room my mother would lock us in it and not let us out until we cleaned the room. Sure we had fights in there, sure she interfered with my candy break by grabbing my hand and squeezing it making me squish the candy, sure we didn’t have a clue about how we were going to get all that crap straightened up. We made mistakes, we fought, we slogged through it and eventually the room was cleaned and she let us out.

The do or die of it all lies squarely in our laps. We are on this earth for our spiritual growth not just as individuals but, just as importantly, as a collective. And free will allows us to choose to believe there is a God and there is no God. Hey, it’s your eternity.

Sioux Robbins
Sioux Robbins

Written by Sioux Robbins

Writer, Musician, Actor, Empath, Psychic. Multi Cultural explorer of the emotional side of the human condition.

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