How Not To Be Earthbound in Your Afterlife
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been a little busy.
My album is released. It’s called Sioux Robbins Relax Girl. It’s on all the streaming platforms and on my website.
Now… onto the business of the day.
Disclaimer: I am not here to judge or play God this is purely an observation on my part having dealt with many earthbound souls who were ready to go home.
The reasons souls who wander the earth have told me why they believe they didn’t move on are really very individual and personal, with many, often times hidden, mitigating circumstances. Each individual’s thoughts, actions and beliefs determine where they will find themselves in the great beyond.
Take the author of Amazing Grace for instance, John Newton. Forced into seamanship at the crucially impressionable age of eleven, found himself working on slave ships and ironically becoming enslaved himself later in life. A reversal of fortune is often the thing that prompts the emotions of compassion and empathy and brings people to God.
While still living on this physical plane he corrected the path of his ways and spoke out about a grave injustice, a crime being committed against humanity, considered at the time to be perfectly acceptable by western society.
If he hadn’t come to a place of compassion and empathy and lived out his life aiding and abetting the buying and selling of his fellow humans, he more than likely may have ended up bound to the earth for an undetermined time in his afterlife.
However, being sent out to sea at the tender age of eleven depending on who and what influenced him when he didn’t yet know who he was, may very well have been a reason in itself for forgiveness. People harmed, mistreated and misguided as children, depending on where they center their own emotional compasses, are often forgiven. They were wounded and given a crummy set of directions.
Let’s talk about the traumatized child. So many of us are traumatized children navigating our way through a complicated life, in a complicated world.
So many of history’s and today’s villains were and are traumatized children. Once the trauma has happened to the child, that child does not grow past the pain they’ve experienced. The pain, grief, humiliation, helplessness, loneliness, emotions manifested during the event(s) if left unaddressed and unacknowledged, then become buried by the continuation of daily life, changing circumstances and simply growing up.
One might think they’ve moved past it because they’ve survived this long and maybe didn’t do too badly for themselves as adults, but that wounded child is still there stuck in the trauma and pain, stuck at that age. And I am speaking from personal experience.
The reactions and emotions of that suppressed and wounded child are the fuel for many of man’s atrocities against humanity. Many of our aggressive, violent, repetitive and stupid blunders in life, including addictions and relationship issues, can be traced back to a traumatized inner child. As the person grows, the wounded child does not. And that wounded child finds ways to make its presence known whether we know what’s causing the problem or not.
Hitler was a wounded child. Donald Trump is a wounded child. Oprah was a wounded child. Judy Garland was definitely a wounded child. How you handle it is entirely in your court.
Have you seen the picture of the tree growing around the bicycle? It went around the web years ago. Someone left a bike chained to a tree, the decades went by and the tree grew around the bike. Absorbing it and the chain as the bike rusted and deformed the tree to accommodate its presence.
That’s the perfect metaphor for the adult personality growing around the wounded child. It deforms the psyche to accommodate the part that hasn’t grown, and the wound festers and infects the personality just like the rusting bike in the tree. It hasn’t killed the tree or stopped it from growing, but it is an impedance to the overall health of the tree and it doesn’t belong there.
Under these kinds of circumstances the traumatized child or “victim” has a crucial choice to make. It could be a conscious choice or a purely subliminal and subconscious reaction, it’s still a choice made by the person.
Does the abuse, pain, anguish, humiliation, neglect, make the growing personality turn to anger and violence, repeating the behavior they were taught by this abuse? Or do they quietly vow to themselves to never become that person(s) and do all they can to not repeat the cycle of abuse?
Do you spread the disease? Or do you get a vaccine and put on a mask?
Many souls who are wandering the earth started as traumatized children. Don’t misunderstand, there is nothing but endless mercy and forgiveness for traumatized children. Even those who have grown up to wrong others in the way they were wronged. As I said, each life is an individual case there is no broad brush to paint with here.
A significant determining factor is when a person consciously knows what they’re doing is wrong and they do it anyway. You have awareness. You’ve been exposed to the knowledge. A truth has been given to you. If you do the wrong thing while knowing it is wrong, you’ve added a weight to the negative karma side of your scale. Spiritual cement shoes.
I know not all of my readers are of the Judeo Christian religions. And there is, contrary to popular belief, no race, religion or culture that is “God’s chosen people”. God’s chosen people are the people who genuinely choose God. No matter the race, religion, or culture. I’m saying this because I’m going to the Ten Commandments. I would say they’re a good set of rules to follow. Each religion has its own similar rules of conduct.
Buddhism teaches empathy and compassion which would naturally lead a person in the opposite direction from things like murder, theft, bearing false witness and coveting things and people who are not yours to covet. The whole do not covet part is a backwards way of saying have respect for other peoples lives. Don’t deliberately cause them grief to satisfy your own desires.
Honor the extension of God in others as you honor the extension of God within yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Buddhism focuses on enlightenment and non judgment. It’s essentially the same concept in different language.
Here’s the basic breakdown of errors. I refuse to call them “sins”, I don’t like the dogma and condemnation energy that comes with that word. I prefer the way A Course In Miracles describes them, as errors. We are eternal beings and we make mistakes. I left suicide out because I’ve written an entire post on suicide it’s in my blog if you haven’t read it. It’s also a thou shall not kill issue.
I’ve spent some time talking about murder in previous blog posts because it’s a big one, if not the biggest one. Most of us know thou shall not kill. Exceptions are made in situations of self defense. I think about that tribe, the Sentinelese. They kill any outsiders who attempt to make contact with them. Can you blame them? Has any good come to any indigenous people from the invasion of Europeans? That is cultural self defense.
They haven’t travelled outside of their island to commit murder. They’ve fended off an invader. It’s possibly forgivable murder. Even when they kill well meaning Christian missionaries who have no idea what the repercussions of their actions and presence would be to this remote, secluded tribe.
However, killing when you know killing is wrong will anchor you to this plane like nothing else. War profiteering, hiring a murderer, inciting others to murder, any reason other than pure self defense is going to be spiritual cement shoes.
Accidental murder like playing with a loaded gun, rough housing on a thousand foot precipice, murder caused by reckless stupidity… if you knew what could happen even if you didn’t believe it would, it would then depend on how you led your life. What your true intentions were in that moment.
Children playing with loaded guns? Parents will shoulder the all the blame for not protecting their kids. Alec Baldwin will bear no personal blame for the accident with the gun on the movie set. Although I know he’s probably beating himself up over it.
Duplicity, lying, bearing false witness. If you make a life habit of perpetuating falsehoods, I’d say things might not look too good for you in the afterlife. Sure the lies may get you what you want in this world but that’s as far as you will go. Spiritual growth doesn’t happen because of a lie, unless the repercussions of the lie cause you to stop lying.
Each of us has been handed circumstances to live with and deal with in this life. If you try to sidestep, manipulate or handle your life situations through lying all I can say is good luck. Exceptions are made in life or death and dangerous situations. If a lie will save your life or another person’s life, then lie. By all means, lie your ass off and get far far away from who or whatever put you in that situation. You’ve saved a life. That takes precedent.
The politician lying to gain more power, duplicitous business people lying to make more money, lying to your spouse to conceal your infidelity when you took a vow to be faithful, lying to gain unfair advantage, lying to conceal your wrongdoing is compounding the wrongs and definitely fitting you for spiritual cement shoes.
Being taught a lie as a child and believing it to be true for the duration of your life? If you didn’t murder or commit a crime against anyone or seriously wrong other people based on that lie, meaning if you weren’t so invested in the lie that you risked your soul because of it, and I am referring to racists, sexists, homophobes, religious extremists, etc. who wrong people or murder because they imagine themselves more worthy than some other group of people.
If you didn’t take the lie too far, the worst that could happen is you’d have to live a number of lives as the races, sexes and or cultures you thought yourself superior to in this life. The soul needs to learn that lesson in order for spiritual growth to take place. You must learn first hand that all lives do indeed matter. Not the dog whistle interpretation of it.
Don’t ever consciously base your identity on a lie. That’s what a relative of mine did. He’s wandering the planet still trying to perpetuate his lies. He knew exactly what he was doing and hurt damn near everyone who ever tried to love him. Greed, unscrupulous ambition, and social status, drove his inclinations. Being an atheist didn’t help him either.
Sorry guys. You may be a great person in numerous other ways but what you believe, especially this, will determine where you’ll find yourself in the afterlife. Your thoughts and beliefs have way more power than you think. You need to trust that there are things you don’t know about existence and things you haven’t dreamed of in this universe of multiple dimensions.
If you believe there will be nothingness and non existence after death, you might be a tad disappointed mainly because you can’t believe your eternal self out of existence, but you also won’t be with God in heaven because you don’t believe God to exist. There is an underworld. Not hell in the fire and brimstone lore, but a separation from God in a realm of no love. We could call it the realm of ego. Egocentric ideologies and emotions will lead you there.
You possibly haven’t tried to tune in to God within yourself, and that would be your guiding path home in the afterlife. You followed ego and ego can’t survive outside of this level of vibration we’re all on, meaning we the living and the earthbound souls.
There really is far more to life than what meets the eye. If you have doubts or are curious about whether there is a God or not, say to yourself in the mirror daily: “If there is a God and God is in me, show me where and how to find God.” Eventually something will emerge if you allow it. Be open.
Try to at least believe in a universal consciousness based on love and compassion, you don’t have to buy into any specific religion. Just trust there is something more. An infinite intelligence based in love. None of existence is random accident and science is God in action, they just haven’t figured that out yet.
Immersing yourself in negative emotions.
For any reason. Even if you were the victim of abuse and or outrageous misfortune, anchoring yourself to hatred and anger even if you feel justified to do so, will only place you in the point of attraction of hatred and anger. It will be a never ending cycle because you will only attract that which you hold in your heart. Hateful and angry people, whether they are on your side or against you. Birds of a feather and all that.
Depression is without question a negative emotion, it’s hatred or anger turned inward. But people are realizing that depression in this day and age is something that can be addressed, examined and treated. A lot more depressed people are seeking help to feel better which is an excellent thing. It’s helping them dig the wounded child out of suppression and heal.
The important thing is, God wants to see that you’ve tried with honest intent. Even if you fail. Even if you never quite make it out of the circumstance you find yourself in, it’s in the trying, the conscious realization that something isn’t right with the situation and your effort to change your circumstance, is enough.
The soul growth comes with the realization of needed change. But it’s advisable to realize it while you still live. Don’t think that after a life of greed, backstabbing, manipulation and duplicity that God will just forgive you and you go along your merry way. God forgives most definitely. That is a steadfast truth. But what would make you think God will forgive you on your terms?
I don’t intend that to scare, just to make you aware of what you think forgiveness involves. You’ll still need to learn some things and grow in the realm of peace and love. There is no capitol punishment in the afterlife, not from God anyway. Any “punishment” that comes, may come because you’ve anticipated and expected it for yourself.
As I said there are many exceptions and mitigating circumstances that affect where you might find yourself in the afterlife. My advice is, whatever you do with your life, wherever it leads you, no matter how negative, desperate or horrible it may be at times, believe in a merciful God. Believe in an afterlife of love, peace, forgiveness and atonement. It will be there for you.