Has it Occurred to Anyone That Women Have been Getting Cancelled for Eons?

Sioux Robbins
4 min readSep 14, 2022


I have no photo for this. What does a cancelled woman look like? No different from any of us.

Women have been getting cancelled for any number of reasons for eons and there’s a whole movement people who want revive that ridiculous woman cancelling ethos.

I know the whole cancel culture thing is becoming old news and the media has moved onto other more trendy issues. But think about it.

Beginning with Eve being blamed for the downfall of humanity. BTW the whole Adam and Eve story is just pure fantasy. Lot’s wife… being turned into a pillar of salt for rubbernecking the destruction Sodom and Gomorrah. Very effective scare tactic to make women obey the patriarchy, portraying God as a man.

God has no gender, God doesn’t need a gender to create an extension of God.

Here are some of the ways a woman would or could be cancelled historically as well as in current events.

Having sex while unmarried, this would include rape. In olden days a raped woman brought shame upon her family. Who would want to marry her after that? She was damaged goods. She could be sent to a nunnery or in some cultures murdered for the honor of her family, which meant her father. An unmarried non-virgin was cancelled without question.

Having a child out of wedlock. No need for examples or explanation there. An unmarried woman with a child? She’d have to become a prostitute, or beg in the streets. If possible she’d have to go very far away from her home and pretend to be a widow if she wanted any kind of respect or a chance at a relatively decent life.

Reaching a certain age and not being married to a man, any man. The Spinster archetype. Screw love. A woman’s value was judged by the man she was attached to. No attachment to a man? No value. Less than two centuries have passed when it was illegal for a woman to own land. 1848 was the year a woman could legally inherit her father’s estate in this country of America Land of the Free Home of the Brave. She still couldn’t vote.

Just reaching a certain age, married or not. Women beyond childbearing years, women who’s youth and subsequent perceived beauty having faded, just had to find a rocking chair put on a shawl and knit something. They were perceived to be useless.

Not bearing sons. How many monarchs and men in positions of power have dumped or in the case of Henry VIII, beheaded the woman who didn’t bear a son for him? Poor Ann Boleyn. But she did get her revenge through her daughter.

In some cultures and religions, honor killings are still happening to this day. A girl can’t get more cancelled than that. And the myriad of ridiculous reasons and ways a woman could dishonor her family. Just being alone in a room with a man she’s not married to would bring dishonor to the family. Even if nothing happened, it wouldn’t matter. An unmarried woman still to this day has to be escorted, chaperoned… All male ego bullshit. I don’t think those guys have a firm grasp on exactly what makes one gender “weaker” than another. Fragile, rigid, brittle personalities are not examples of any kind of strength.

Simply being born a female. Female circumcision. Female castration. Still happening to this day in some parts of the world.

China’s old one child law. None of these people wanted girls. A heart breaking documentary, One Child Nation, not for the feint of heart. And not just in China but worldwide girl children still get the shit end of the stick.

Venturing outside of traditional female roles. The women who dared to threaten men by not being subservient had to take it to the extreme. Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman, Susan B Anthony… a girl couldn’t half-ass it if she was headed down that road. She had to hurt some men, physically, financially or politically. Really shove it hard in their faces and risk her life.

Witches. Women who sought or were merely suspected of possessing powers beyond the control of society or the church. There was never a time in history when men were accused of being wizards, in league with the devil, and burned alive or stoned to death. Wizards were revered. Witches, not so much.

And the creme de la creme. Being charged with murder for having a miscarriage. Never mind an abortion. Just a miscarriage. That’s insanity. Insane people are attempting to stop humanity from moving into the new age and a surprising number of patriarchy worshipping women are part of that movement.

Cancel culture is nothing new, it’s just equalizing, balancing the scale. The turning of this tide has been coming for eons and it won’t be stopped.

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea who’s time has come. “

Victor Hugo.



Sioux Robbins
Sioux Robbins

Written by Sioux Robbins

Writer, Musician, Actor, Empath, Psychic. Multi Cultural explorer of the emotional side of the human condition.

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