Changing The World From The Inside
Since we’re all eternal beings every last one of us. And we’re going to keep coming back into this world as one life/person or another, it’s easy to see how much of an outrageous f**ing mess we’ve made of this planet, our relationships with each other as individuals, cultures, nations, races and all living things in general.
We have messed things up most grievously and we are now paying the price of causing this tremendous imbalance of things on this very carefully balanced and responsive, beautiful and sensitive planet.
There are an outstanding number of people who think a lifetime is one and done. Quite a large number of that group are the movers and the shakers in this world. They think to themselves: Why do I care what happens on this world when I’m gone? It won’t be my problem. I’m going to get what I want at any and all costs, f**k everyone else.
Those people seem to have no genuine caring about this world or humanity beyond gaining power and making a dollar off of it or them. And yet there they are. Just as we are. We’re all eternal beings. We’ll most likely run into each other again. In different lives, as different people, in a different time and place somewhere down the road.
We know that the energy each of us puts into the universe has our psychic DNA all over it even if we intended the energy to affect people or things not obviously connected to us. All that energy with our DNA on it is listed and cataloged the moment whatever deed, good or bad, is done by us. Our Akashic Record or life dossier, for lack of a better descriptive, is waiting for us to show up for our afterlife reviews.
In other words, no one gets away with anything once they’ve crossed over, no matter how seamlessly and stealthily they’ve gotten away with nefarious deeds in this life. In that sense Big Brother or God is always watching.
It’s easy to feel resentment if not a bit of hate for those who make profit and power their god. Gaining power and profiting from treating people and the earth like expendable pawns. Profiting from war, profiting from sickness and death, profiting from decimation of the earth, oceans, and air. You might feel a little bit of terror or extreme vulnerability when you really think about the scale and implications of it.
You might feel helpless beyond throwing a bit of money at those agencies and people who are striving to make the preservation and well being of all living people, living things and the planet, their mission in life. The profoundly brave ones who speak truth to power and stand up against wealthy and powerful corporations and governments, which are indeed made up of people, often putting themselves in great danger in the process.
And recently you may have noticed this earth appears to have a will of its own. It can be quite unpredictable in its behavior. Would I say there’s a consciousness that is the earth? The only singular, all encompassing consciousness is God. God is the universe and all things in it. I would however say there is an immense collective of consciousnesses who operate through the force and the will of God as this Earth.
Flower Newhouse called them the Angels of Nature. They have nothing to do with humans. They are a multitude, varying in size, strength and purpose. Connected to the earth on the spiritual level, their power is the love of being that force or that element. The feeling of it. The pure, joyous, free feeling of being that element or force. Singularly focused, singularly tasked, the embodiment of purpose. The purpose to be.
The religions of Animism and Shinto are based on this concept. Everything has a consciousness. For my input, inanimate objects take on the energy of the consciousness of the owner or the one who spends the most time with it. And I might add, rocks, trees, water, etc. are not inanimate objects. The wooden chair still holds some essence of the energy the tree, but the life of the tree has left the wood. Your chair will not be sprouting branches or leaves. That’s kind of how it works with inanimate objects created from previously animate objects. There are some exceptions. But anyway…
Hurricane, monsoon, earthquake, tsunami, and all of the lighter and much less dramatic iterations of the elements of those weather, ocean and earth patterns. All are inhabited by these consciousness collectives. Volcanoes… the earth giving birth. Also a consciousness collective.
It’s an intelligent wildness that’s just being what it is. Nothing personal. If you’re caught in the path of it, well, that’s life and death on this planet. We deceive ourselves into thinking we have more control over our environment than we actually do. We need to humble ourselves and respect it.
The virus, plague, hurricane, earthquake, monsoon or flood etc. essentially says: “Nothing personal if your life or your house was in the way or whatever, I’m really the boss around here you know, and I’m doing what I need to do. Watch me do this…” Maybe like a four year old, only wilder, more intelligent, with more concentrated intent and way, waaaaay stronger than any of us will ever be on this physical plane.
The strength of the Giant turning over in his sleep. A very sensitive giant. A giant filled with intricate, delicately balanced ecosystems where all living creatures including humans depend on each other for sustenance, shelter, and everything life. The physical and the spiritual not just side by side but overlapping and interwoven, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Eternity being what it is, we’re all here together for the freakin long haul. No Exit. No Escape. To turn this negative energy that seems to have infected humanity around, we need to grow together or at least en masse as much as we can, and pray very earnestly for the enlightenment of these negative, misdirected and misaligned souls. Obviously, meeting them with violence only creates more violence.
They’re not ever going away just as we are not ever going away. Many continue to come back lifetime after lifetime making same mistakes over and over again. The cycle won’t end until all have reached enlightenment. And at that point it’s on to the next dimension of growth. That’s a long way off.
Your prayers as an individual have energy. Our prayers as a collective have exponentially more energy. Napoleon Hill called a group of people putting their thoughts, energy and deeds into the same purpose, a Mastermind. Thats how corporations and political groups become powerful. Thats what we, on the side of preserving and respecting all of God’s creation, need to get very serious about right now.
Victor Hugo once said;
“Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.”
It time for us to make the idea of enlightenment come more intently to those who genuinely need it. Your prayers, your feelings, your emotions, all generate energy. Valid, substantive, spiritual energy. Be it good or bad. Bad is what we’re up against quite obviously on so many levels. So now we have to work to balance the energy on this planet as much as possible, because it is quite out of balance in so many ways as we can all see.
For raising the power of good, as would be my only intent, you must believe in your heart that enlightenment will come to those who harm people and the earth in what ever way it most swiftly and effectively cuts through in their lives. I say this prayer with every ounce of my being pretty much every day. I sometimes skip a day or two, but I mean to do it every day and I miss it when I don’t.
I think we should all be saying this prayer or something like it, as much as we can, and as earnestly as we can. With no anger in your heart, but with earnest softness or kindness if not love, whatever compassion and good you can muster, with an absolute knowing that this world will be what it is meant to be. Which is: At peace, harmonious, respectful of all, respectful of God’s creation, respectful towards each other.
Just that. That’s the goal. Not a huge leap into Kumbaya and great love for complete strangers who don’t look, think, act or smell like you, if that’s too much for you. Just civilized and respectful towards each other. Acknowledge and respect each other’s humanity as equal creations of God. You might think of all the cultures and ethnicities on this planet and say, wow that’s a lot of people. Welp…get to work.
Academic knowledge and understanding of all the cultures of this world might be too far of a leap for some of you at this point, but it should be placed on the bucket list.
This is the prayer I say:
For all teachers and people who hold love, truth, compassion, equality, peace, justice and the spiritual growth of humanity in their hearts
Let their words ring out and be heard
Let their compassionate energy radiate all around them and be felt
Let all those who hear those words take those words to heart and speak them to others who will also take those words to heart and speak them
Let all those who feel that compassionate energy radiate it around them exponentially
For all teachers and people who stand for the love, the care and the preservation of this planet, mother earth, and all things in it.
(sometimes I use the name “Pacha Mama” for mother earth because it has a spiritual power already embedded and it doesn’t necessarily refer to just the Andes mountains)
Let their words ring out and be heard
Let their compassionate energy radiate all around them and be felt
Let all those who hear those words take those words to heart and speak them to others who will also take those words to heart and speak them
Let all those who feel that compassionate energy radiate it around them exponentially
Let all of these people be held in Gods loving and protective light
Let all of these people feel consistently renewed in their courage and conviction to their causes and missions
Let them influence generations to come
And for all of those who are governed by hatred, anger, greed, lust for power, deceit, and all things negative and destructive to life on this planet
Let enlightenment come to them in what ever way it most swiftly and effectively cuts through in their lives
And really mean it. I mean. Really. Mean. It.
The strength it will generate could tip the balance if enough people keep this sentiment front and center in their prayers. You can choose days and times when groups of you get together and pray as a group for this. You can chant this or meditate on it over and over like a mantra. But if enough people feel it as individuals, we can change the course of humanity from the inside.
This is addressing a problem at its root. All physical manifestations especially physical manifestations of emotions or lack thereof, greed, callousness, egotism, hatred, war mongering, mendacity etc., and all their physical representations, such as pollution, poverty, oppressive governments, etc. have a spiritual root.
We know a disproportionate number of the population seem to be easily influenced by the loudest voices in the room. We have to become the most spiritually strong presence in the room. No hate, no violence, nothing negative. Pure, confident, present, unshakeable, powerful, compassionate love. Or as close as you can get to it. If you’re having trouble feeling love or anything but worry and fear about the world situation, pray on it. Ask for guidance and help to break through the fear or anger to love. The asking sets things into motion.
Trust in the benevolent spirit of the Almighty as your intention. That will help turn susceptible people away from the voices shouting self serving lies and creating confusion and discord. Nothing that exists is established without a strong spiritual presence first.
We have to change this problem from the inside. You may want to think of persons in particular that might benefit from the energy of this prayer. Include their names by all means. I tend to keep it general. The infinite wisdom of universal life force understands your true intentions. The energy will go where it needs to go. We are obviously at a crucial tipping point in this world right now.
Welp… get to work.