Before You Decide You’re Crazy Make Sure You’re Not a Psychic Empath.

Sioux Robbins
5 min readNov 27, 2022


Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Before I realized exactly how psychic and empathic I was, I thought I was a bit crazy. If you’ve read some of my articles you’ll know that I see and communicate with those who have passed on.

I’ve seen spirits, orbs and non physical things since I was ten years old. I’ve communicated with them in dream and meditation states, and I’ve seen them while very much awake.

Most of my adult life with the exception of my marriage and a couple boyfriends I lived with, I have lived in apartment buildings.

At times I would get these random out of the blue, completely irrelevant thoughts and declarative statements popping into my head. Things that would make me say; where the hell did that come from?

Everyday kinds of things, usually with a little urgency or passion behind them, otherwise the thought wouldn’t have punched through to my radar. Things like: Where the fuck are my keys? While I’m practicing piano. Or, Why would you say a thing like that? While I was making dinner alone or quietly engrossed in a book. Just random shit.

And those were the days when I was quite fond of wine. I was actually entertaining becoming a sommelier. So naturally I concluded that I was high and probably losing my mind.

I didn’t become a sommelier, and I eventually realized I had a problem with alcohol, wine and beer specifically, I was never a hard liquor person. I found my bottom, stopped drinking, and was put on antidepressants as many recovering alcoholics are guided to do.

I was self medicating, no question about that. I had stuffed some serious childhood trauma way down in the depths of my psyche.

So I was sober, on antidepressants and these random thoughts and statements still just popped into my head now and again. At that point I was realizing that I could pick up on people’s thoughts when they were in my presence. Not psychic snooping, which is a big no-no, just instances where I heard what the person was thinking while one of us was talking.

I was realizing that, before bed, I could ask a question about a work situation and get an answer in my dreams. But I still wasn’t aware that I could pick up on people’s thoughts when they weren’t in my presence.

I still wasn’t aware that I felt echoes of my family member’s negative attitudes towards me, because they were civil and nice to my face, and they were family, I loved them or at least tried to, so there was an open door to their energies.

I was dealing with not only my depression but all this psychic input, some random and some directed at me. And yes, the monkey mind at times would be an absolute din of chatter.

I began to sort out those obviously random thoughts and realized they came with a foreign energy. I started to sense energies of the thoughts and not be distracted by the words. Then things became clearer.

I was hearing the thoughts of people in the apartments around mine. Nothing to do with me at all. So when random thoughts would pop in I’d identify them and just let them pass. Occasionally a random thought can be meant for you. Gotta learn to read the energy, and you can ask your guides if you’re not sure.

The negative energies took more time because I had a lot of misconceptions about the kind of people I thought my family members to be.

If you asked me back then I would have given you glowing descriptions of intelligent people with impressive accomplishments. And that would be true. But what I didn’t realize then was that they were, in their own civilized way, treating me like I was stupid and crazy and being in their presence was a toxic energy bath for me under the surface.

They were and still are egotistical and self congratulatory, petty, and fairly low on the emotional intelligence scale. For the longest time, year after year, a few days before a family gathering, I would have these dreams of a child being hurt or in serious danger and I would try save it and fail, but the kid would survive in spite of my failure to save it.

It was my higher self and my guides showing me what I endured in that toxic soup of my family’s assorted energies. The kids in those dreams were all me. Just an FYI, if you dream of an animal or child, that animal or child is you.

Around that time there was a Facebook meme that read; Before you decide you’re depressed, make sure you not surrounded by assholes. Or something to that effect. I had begun to realize just how surrounded by assholes I was.

Unless a person is born with a clear psychic awareness as some are, it can take some time to differentiate thoughts that come from the outside from thoughts that originate on the inside. It usually coincides with degrees of knowing yourself. Maturity was a huge help for me.

When we’re young most of us don’t really know who we are. We’re trying to be cool, trying to be what we think being grown up is, trying to fit in with whatever crowd we’ve associated ourselves with.

Deep down you may have yet to realize that whatever you’ve made yourself into isn’t really you. Especially if you’re not dealing with childhood trauma. Layer that on top of not knowing just how psychic you are and, ta-da, you may think you’re nuts.

It’s also what I believe to be the foundation of some mid-life crises. You’ve made yourself into something that’s not genuinely you and built your life around it. Then, somewhere mid forties, real you and what you really want to be in your heart surfaces and makes you question everything. I considered it a mid life wake-up call. I became more true to myself.

More and more people are tuning into their natural psychic awareness. We all have the potential to be psychic, it’s evolution, the future of humanity. The day will come when lies and deceit will be impossible. Everyone will see and know the truth about situations and everyone. It will be an interesting and very different way to live.

It may be a thousand years from now, maybe less, but a fully psychic and telepathic humanity is on the way and if you’re psychic in this life I would speculate you will be psychic in the next.

Don’t be distracted by the words of thoughts, learn to read the energy of the things that come into your awareness. Is it negative or self defeating? Or is it positive with love and compassion? Dig deeper than the surface, don’t assume you know before you actually know. Give your thoughts a good impartial energetic examination.

You may realize you’re not so crazy after all.

My life dream is to have a home in the middle of nowhere. Far, very far from neighbors.



Sioux Robbins
Sioux Robbins

Written by Sioux Robbins

Writer, Musician, Actor, Empath, Psychic. Multi Cultural explorer of the emotional side of the human condition.

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